Friday, September 12, 2014

Life Goes On! The work goes on!

It looks like Lenise is right at home.
She seems pretty popular with the kids!
Dearest family,
     This week has been strange. And crazy. And normal. And cool. And hard.  And chill. And fun. And just...idk. I guess I can sum it up in a quote by Robert Frost: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on." Yes. Yes it does. The work goes on. Life goes on. I keep moving on. I was super surprised and sad to hear about AJ :( thank you so much for the update and keeping me in the loop! We've said lots of prayers for him and I put his and his families’ names in the temple when I went this week. I did the same for Grandpa Merkley. I hope all is okay with him! Tell Grandma I love her and him!
     So my birthday last Monday went good :) a lot of the other missionaries totally forgot it was my birthday and Sis McMurray and I just sat and laughed as each of them filed into the family history center and didn't say a word to me. I never mentioned it so most of them still don't know that I had a birthday! Haha. We went to Vernal and went shopping and then we met up with Dusty who was out there for class and we had Cold Stone for lunch (it was my first time
there....and yes I ate ice cream for lunch. It was my birthday, I can do what I want!) Then when we got back we did some recording with the Ryan family (you will get the end result eventually! ) and had dinner with them. It was the first day of school that day for all the kids so we hit a bunch of ward parties that night. Sis Felkins made me a chocolate cake and we had it at one of the block parties at Bishop Gilleys house and they sang to me. It was a fun birthday for sure!
     Tuesday we worked and worked and worked. We taught a lot! And I went to this guy’s house with a million mounted heads and horns all over his house! (Pics for dad to come!)
     Wednesday was crazy! We had a lot of fun and met a new older couple. The husband is less active and the wife not a member. We talked with them a lot and compared a lot stuff about our church and the Catholic Church. Shout out to Grandpa Volmer for sending me his testimony and story about his conversion from the Catholic Church to ours last Christmas! It helped a lot to know that stuff! As we left she said "finally some Mormons who get what I'm talking about and believe the same things I do!" Haha it was really funny! She asked us right off the bat when we got there if we were getting married right after our missions and when we both gave a resounding "NO!" She was like "I'm going to like you two." Haha she was great! Can't wait to go back and meet with her again!
     Thursday was another day full of teaching! We were super busy and got to meet up with T who has been questioning Gods love for her a lot and feeling lonely .  Well, randomly at an Addiction Reduction meeting a guy in his late twenties was there and when he was sharing his story he kept looking right at her and talking about alcohol abuse and the way it can ruin relationships and marriages.  After the meeting he came up to her and said "are you T?" And she said "um...yes?" And he said "I've been prompted to give a gift to you. Can we find a room with a piano?" She said she was shocked but then helped him find a piano where he then sat down and played his own beautiful arrangement of I Am a Child of God. She said she cried and cried and they had a long talk afterwards. That was just what she needed and I cried when she told me because it was an answer to my prayers as well.
     Saturday was a great day! I got to go to the temple with a less active I have been teaching since I first got to Roosevelt. Can I just say that even better than a baptism is helping someone make it to the temple? When I walked into the celestial room and saw her standing there glowing I lost it. Sharon is older, maybe in her late 60's and is one of the sweetest women I have ever met. She made this goal without her husband and has been working so hard towards it. She looked so happy standing there and she just gave me the biggest hug and kept thanking me over and over again...that is the best feeling. The absolute best. If that moment alone was the reason I served a mission it would be worth it. It is so worth it. Helping someone make those sacred promises and strive to make it back to our Father....I couldn't be happier. Moments like those are why I love my mission so much. Gosh I love these people so much sometimes it hurts.
     Yesterday I got to meet the sweetest four year old girl with Leukemia.  Her and her older brother and sister were super fun to play with before dinner and we had a blast with their family. Maddie was a cutie pie!
    With a lot of the trials come a lot of the blessings. And life keeps moving forward. Today we are going caving and hiking again only this time as a district! I'm so stoked! Pictures to come! Love you all to the moon and back!
 Love Sister Lenise Diane Volmer

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